
DOMjudge logo

This host is running a DOMjudge-live image that contains a ready-to-use copy of the DOMjudge programming contest jury system. It runs on the Debian GNU/Linux operating system and the Apache webserver.

Web interfaces

The following web interfaces are available:

Note that initially the system root passwords is domjudge and domjudge admin user password is admin. These should be changed as soon as possible. Use the script dj_live on the system to change passwords.

Problem statements

The system is preconfigured with a demo contest that contains three problems. The problem statement texts for these problems can be downloaded here (in PDF format):

Feedback, bugs, contact

If you have any comments, bugs, problems, or would like to get into contact with the DOMjudge developers, then please see our website for more details, or contact us through the DOMjudge development mailinglist or join our Slack chat.